What To Expect
In this upcoming workshop you will be able to
Gain practical tips
Get to ask an expert
In this workshop with Gillian and I will offer you skills and practical tools to help manage anxiety.
This amazing afternoon for you will consist of:
EFT talk plus Q&A
EFT tapping session to soothe anxiety
Menopause yoga
And a snack lunch will be provided
Tickets are available now.

What you'll need.
Take your mat
A blanket
A bolster if you have one
Water bottle
Notepad and pen.
Meet Gillian
Gillian works as Gillian Watt - Wellbeing Practitioner & Gillian Watt - Animal Practitioner supporting humans and animals.
Gillian's background is in music and education but after a life changing episode of Sepsis, she found herself on a new path. It took time to come to terms with life after Sepsis but Gillian turned it around by training in the tools she used to get back on track and now trains others, in addition to treating clients and giving workshops.
Initially, Gillian believed she hadn't experienced menopausal symptoms but in recent years has realised that the menopausal symptoms had possibly been mixed in with the Post Sepsis symptoms that had continued for some time after her initial illness.
Gillian's tools include mindfulness, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) aka Tapping, Reiki, EMMETT and 16 Guidelines. At the workshop she will be sharing how mindfulness and EFT can support us on our journey with the menopause. EFT is a safe, easy to learn, easy to use tool where we literally tap on specific points on our upper body, at the same time as focusing on a negative emotion, thought or feeling. The tapping 'dissolves' the negative, leaving us in a much better place to cope with life. Boy George was observed Tapping when he was in 'Get Me Out of Here!' and it has been noticed recently in one the current story lines on one of the soaps. It's fantastic that more people are learning about how it can help.